In its last official report, the Care Inspectorate mentioned that there were 197 registered care agencies in Edinburgh either providing home care or housing support, so if you are looking for a service provider who delivers care at home services in Edinburgh, then the Care Inspectorate website is a great place to start your research.
Is a Care Home in Scotland the Right Choice for You? Statistics that have been published about care homes in Scotland showed that a resident of a care home dies every two days from either a fall or a serious accident.
At 1st Focus Homecare, we love our city and wanted to share with you some of our favourite spots for visitors and tourists. The city really is steeped in so much history that we could probably list a hundred different places for you to visit, but for now, we have selected our top 10.
It is with great pride that we can announce that 1st Focus Homecare, has, for the second year running, been awarded the prestigious Top 20 Homecare Service Provider award for care-at-home providers in Edinburgh.
1st Focus Homecare does not charge a setup fee or have any fees other than the one you are quoted. Several companies are providing private care services that are charging service users and seniors a “set up” fee of up to £350 just to organise their care package before they even start providing the service.
The NHS is under pressure in Scotland, and the government’s proposed “National Care Service” is not due to be introduced until 2028-2029. The current situation of social care in the UK is bleak, with most, if not all local authorities struggling to meet the care demands of the ageing population on their current budgets. It is almost inevitable that people will come to harm by not receiving the right care, and not receiving that care promptly.
Medication assistance and support are normally assessed by the local council and make up a part of most care assessments. Medication support ranges from a prompt to take medication through to administration of medicines due to a person no longer being able to manage and understand their medication needs for example if they have dementia or Alzheimers.
Is it Important for Seniors to Eat Healthy Foods? Of course, the common sense answer is a resounding yes, but does that go with the wishes of the seniors themselves? As we get older, the body changes and so does our appetite. The stomach’s elasticity reduces with age, meaning that eating large meals may be a thing of the past. We get fuller that much easier and having been through this situation personally, I can say that trying to encourage your parent or a senior relative to eat healthy can cause friction.
In this post, we’ll answer the above question for you, as well as provide some links and resources that will help you understand how caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks work in terms of the bladder and gut. This is not to be construed as medical advice, and you should always consult with a doctor or urologist when investigating questions about your bladder and gut.
What are the Differences Between a Nursing Home and a Care at Home Provider? In this post, we answer the above question for you, as well as provide some links and resources which will help you make the right decision of using the service of a Nursing Home in Edinburgh or if a home care provider is best for you if you are a senior living in Edinburgh or the surrounding area.