Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a set of technologies, processes, and policies that enable multiple stakeholders to collaboratively design, construct, and operate built environment structures in virtual space, e.g. buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels, waterways, telecom sites, wind farms, etc.
BIM is not new. BIM like ideas began with Buckminster Fuller and Henry Ford in the building and the automotive industries in the early 1900’s; Empire State building in the 1930’s; Toyota’s Just-in -Time lean systems in 1940’s; US Air Force and NASA in 1950’s-1970’s; iCAM, STEP, etc. modelling in the 1970’s-1990’s; then ISO standards based OpenBIM for the built environment from 1990’s-Present.
openBIM extends the benefits of BIM (Building Information Modeling) by improving the accessibility, usability, management and sustainability of digital data in the built asset industry.
At its core, openBIM is a collaborative process that is vendor neutral. openBIM processes can be defined as sharable project information that supports seamless collaboration for all project participants.
openBIM facilitates interoperability to benefit projects and assets throughout their lifecycle.
Here at MMA, we work according to ISO standrads, both at company operations level, and ubiquitously throughout our design and delivery practices.
The greatest thing about standards is that there are so many of them!
For more info on using the above standards, or others like gbXML, E57, IfcOWL, IfcXML, RDF, JSON, etc, simply contact us.
Information management, when implementing BIM, is a combination of all the topic above. ISO 19650 is meant to help in this regard, but it alone is of no use. We use ISO 16739 IFC and 19650 together!
Below are standardised MVDs for particular “contractable” information exchanges. MMA specialises in the use of these exchanges. Using standard information exchanges allows you to validate your information before you share it with others, and enables you to share only the information contracted to be exchanged by a give stakeholder.
There are many MVDs, and one can make their own too!
- COBie (Lean Handover, and CMMS/CAFM integration)
- BPie (Architectural Programming)
- WSie (Water Systems)
- HVACie (HVAC Systems and Building Controls)
- ELie (Electrical and Security Systems)
- SPie (Specifiers Product Data)
- BAMie (Building Automation)
- TLie (Telecom Sites)
- WFie (Wind Farms)